As a university, we strive to support your passions. That's why you'll find plenty of opportunities at our university to help you pursue them. Check out our student organisations, interest groups and research clubs. And join in!

Scientific Club of Computer Science Students „wITty”
The 'wITty' club was founded in 2020 by students of Computer Science. It is a group that brings together Raspberry Pi and Java enthusiasts. Our biggest goal is to build a weather station based on the Raspberry Pi microcomputer.
The aim of the circle is to develop students' analytical and programming skills. Together with us, you will learn about a tool used every day in IT projects, discover the ins and outs of teamwork and explore the possibilities offered by the Raspberry Pi.
Join the rapidly growing team of enthusiasts now!
Acacemic supervisor: dr Małgorzata Pietras-Szewczyk
AULA Academic Theatre
AULA Academic Theatre - in continuous operation for eight years. The theatre group was founded in 2014 and the official act of founding the AULA Academic Theatre took place in 2015. The theatre activities are a voluntary form of acquiring knowledge and skills in acting and theatre arts.
Following the path of classical drama theatre, visual storytelling in a live setting, but also experimentation and exploration of artistic expression, the theatre provides students, academics and the local community with a forum for an alternative way of self-expression, commentary and dialogue with the environment.
We have already had fourteen performances. We also run projects: artistic, musical and cultural research projects in the humanities in the broadest sense.
The AULA theatre stage is a place for the development of passions, open to all who want to get to know themselves and go beyond their own limits,.
Theatre and ensemble management - dr Monika Taras.
Research Club Evo-Devo
The aim of the evo-devo (evolutionary developmental biology) research club is to popularise the sciences dealing with the analysis, explanation of human behaviour, its causes and determinants. The research perspective is formed by the following scientific fields: evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, human biology, but also disciplines from the social sciences, social psychology and other fields dealing with the study of human behaviour.
We are a "young and dynamic" team 😊. The club has been established relatively recently and is just developing, so we are open to any suggestions from the participants in terms of topics covered or meeting formats. We are happy to share what puzzles us, what we ponder before bedtime and have a discussion in which no last one is foolish. We invite all people who would like to find out "why?" - together it's easier to find the answer!
Academic supervisor: dr Joanna Mysiakowska
Research club for security and administration students „Paradygmat”
„Paradygmat” research club brings together students interested in a wide range of security and administrative issues. The student club organises discussion meetings and conferences, and supports students in their individual projects.
Members of the club can actively participate in conferences organised by the Faculty of Applied Studies, especially the College of Administrative, Security and Technical Studies. We are involved in organising courses, training and workshops, both at the university and away, including initiating international exchanges.
Academic supervisors: dr Iwona Ładysz, dr Emilia Kuczma, dr Bogusław Węgliński
Computer science research club "Hello IT"
The IT science club 'Hello IT' was founded in 2020 by a group of stubborn IT students who wanted to do something really unusual.
We are a group of technology geeks fascinated primarily by C#, Unity and Python. In our crew you will find computer science students as well as creative media and much more interesting, experienced people from different parts of the world.
Join the rapidly growing team of enthusiasts now!
We guarantee a pleasant atmosphere in a young dynamic team. Instead of "fruit Thursdays", we have "e-sports Thursdays".
Academic supervisor: mgr inż. Stanisław Lota
Scienticic club "Warsztaty interpretacji Sztukateria" ("ART Interpretation Workshop")
The "ART Interpretation Workshop" club is a place for the realisation of diverse interests of students. Working in the club means expanding knowledge, acquiring skills, learning by doing, gaining practical experience. It is also a place for multifaceted practical self-education.
The task of the club is also, in close connection with the above-mentioned objectives, to develop an offer and realisation of environmental activities, to prepare works for the benefit of the university, and furthermore to involve other students, employees, doctoral students and pupils.
Academic supervisors: dr hab. Maria Reut, prof. DSW, dr Anita Szprych
RozOs psychology students' research club
The RozOs research club has been in operation since 2015. Its main idea is to initiate activities aimed at personal development and the expansion of social and professional competences.
The club's offer is addressed in particular to psychology students looking for a space to implement their own ideas in the field of psychology. During joint meetings, students carry out research projects and publish their results, organise scientific events, establish contacts with specialists in psychology and related fields, exchange experiences, broaden their knowledge and strengthen their social competences.
Academic supervisors: mgr Wioletta Klimczak i mgr Maciej Jonek
FLOW psychology students' research club
The FLOW Psychology Study Club operates at the Psychology College of the University of Lower Silesia. We want the academic environment to be creative and open to various initiatives. The club aims to awaken and develop students' academic and research interests.
We conduct projects on qualitative research and the effects of art therapy and board games on stress reduction. We are testing the integrative effects of choreotherapy in a student environment. We have also created a section in the club with the task of promoting knowledge in the field of psycho-oncology and cooperating with NGOs.
We run a Facebook fanpage and an Instagram profile called "Flominacja", with the aim of popularising knowledge in the field of psychology.
Academic supervisor: mgr Ewelina Cichoń
Club of pedagogical initiatives Entuzjazm
The club of pedagogical initiatives Entuzjazm was established by undergraduate students of Pedagogy in the academic year 2020/2021 and is also supported by graduate students.
The tasks of the club include: promoting knowledge in the field of pedagogy and related scientific disciplines and the integration of the academic environment around educational initiatives, including the exchange of experiences in the field of broadly understood pedagogical practice, organising discussion meetings, lectures, workshops and conferences, cooperation with scientific clubs and other student organisations operating at the University of Lower Silesia and other universities in Poland and abroad.
The club also cooperates with other academic and non-academic institutions, establishments and organisations active in the field of education, carrying out educational and scientific projects, including competitions, on pedagogical or related subjects. An example of such activities is the project implemented under the 'Academy of Skills' competition 'Children's Day at the Wrocław Care and Education Centre', which was prepared for children and young people particularly affected by the psychological and social consequences of the Covid- 19 pandemic. The proposed activities included educational, artistic and sporting activities. And participation in this venture certainly allowed for the development and strengthening of the educator's key competences.
Academic supervisors:
- dr Katarzyna Gawlicz
- dr Marcin Starnawski
Creative media student research club "PLUM9"
The 'Plum9' research club was founded in 2020 on the initiative of the students of Creative Media: game design, 3D animation and special effects. It is a group where knowledge and skills in graphics, animation and game design are exchanged.
Members of the club include employees of the largest Polish development studios, who have participated in the creation of well-known Polish computer games.
The aim of the club is to develop the students' creative skills, organise meetings with experienced experts, and implement their own game and animation projects. Together with the members of "Plum9", you will learn the secrets of teamwork, graphic engines and many other programmes, as well as gaining loads of new, interesting contacts.
Academic supervisor: dr Szymon Makuch
Studio 47 - Student Club of Photography and Multimedia
Studio 47 is a community that sees photography as a medium and an activity with a purpose. Our club is a place to meet and share knowledge, skills and ideas, making photography and video for good communication, moving us to action. We act to create and we create to act.
We meet regularly online on Thursday evenings.
We run a photo school, we improve ourselves theoretically and practically. We learn to look, see, understand and show what is beautiful, important and interesting.
We practice photogymnastics - weekly photographic assignments through which we practise the realisation of different subjects and techniques.
In the studio at 47 Strzegomska Street we polish our technique and do experiments.
Every semester, we organise workshop field trips where we have time just for ourselves.
We invite professionally active photographers and video makers to meetings, we participate in festivals and industry events.
We undertake cooperation with institutions, companies and associations in the photographic and multimedia industry.
We strive for the highest quality in what we create and present as our own photographic and multimedia projects. We are also open to collaboration and support where we can help with our camera and camcorder.
Academic supervisor: dr Michał Otrocki
HR&COACHING student research club
The HR&C student research club was founded in 2020. It brings together students of Human Resources and Coaching as well as DSW University students from other faculties who are interested in HR&C and are willing to expand their theoretical knowledge and exchange professional experiences.
Our main objective is to develop interests and follow new trends in the field of human resources and coaching. We organise cyclical meetings - every fortnight, usually on Friday evenings, we discuss industry topics, prepare lectures and thematic debates, and reflect on the directions of our own professional development.
We invite active and committed people to join us, who are passionate about HR and/or coaching and who want to develop their competences and improve their knowledge in this area in their free time.
Academic supervisor: dr Agnieszka Piasecka-Robak.