Monograph Competition

Applications are invited for the publication of a scholarly monograph with in the framework of the Robert Kwaśnica Scholarship Fund "Poza kulturową oczywistością".


What is the deadline for submitting entries?
Entries can be submitted on a rolling basis.  
The competition committee will review applications on 28 February, 30 June and 31 October of a given year.


How do I submit an entry?
Entries in the socio-pedagogical field that have not yet been published should be sent to with the entry file and the competition application attached wnioskiem konkursowym (marked Competition Entry).


What is the competition prize?
You receive the opportunity to cover the costs of publication in the DSW University Press.


What other conditions must be met?
SDetailed information is contained in the Terms and Conditions of the competition for a scholarly monograph within the Robert Kwaśnica Scholarship Fund "Poza kulturową oczywistością".

Okładki z seri wydawniczej "Poza Kulturową Oczywistością"

About the Fund

Robert Kwaśnica Scholarship Fund "Poza kulturową oczywistością [Beyond the Cultural Obvious]" was established at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław to commemorate the person who initiated the establishment of the University and its long-standing Rector and President, based on Senate Resolution No. 47/2021. The Fund is managed by the Fund Council. As part of its activities, publications selected through competition are funded.


The following works were awarded in the 2021 competition:


- Konrad Rejman, Etyka radykalna jako emancypacja. O wojnie i pokoju z perspektywy pedagogicznej [Radical Ethics as Emancipation. On War and Peace from a Pedagogical Perspective]


- Bogusława D. Gołębniak, Ekspansja uczenia się? Co z nauczaniem? W stronę społeczno-kulturowych podstaw edukacji nauczycieli [Expansion of Learning? What about Teaching? Towards the Socio-Cultural Foundations of Teacher Education]


- Katarzyna Nanowska, Komunikacja interpersonalna kuratorów sądowych z podopiecznymi [Interpersonal Communication Between Probation Officers and Their Charges]


- Alina Stechnij, Tożsamość młodzieży jako zaniedbany obszar wychowawczy [Youth Identity as a Neglected Educational Area]


- Wiesław Antosz, Genealogia zakazanej tożsamości [The Genealogy of a Forbidden Identity]


The following works were awarded in the 2022 competition:


- Przemysław Szczygieł, Bunt. Przestrzeń uczenia się dorosłych [Rebellion. The Space for Adult Learning]

About Robert Kwaśnica

dr hab. prof. DSW Robert Kwaśnica (1948-2018) educator; university lecturer; co-founder, rector (1997-2016) and president (2016-2018) of the Wrocław-based University of Lower Silesia


In 1997, he was one of the founders of the Lower Silesian Higher School of Education TWP (transformed into the University of Lower Silesia in 2007), assuming the position of rector at this university. He held this position until 2016, before becoming the president of this university.


He was also a member of the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (from 2003) and a member of the editorial board of the "Pedagogical Quarterly" (from 1993). He specialised in didactics, philosophy of upbringing and general pedagogy. He was a member of the Chapter for Professors of Education.


Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (2011).