We created the university 26 years ago. It is a place where people, opinions and passions meet.It is these elements that make it up. For our students and learners, it becomes a breeding ground for talents and interests and the beginning of their professional path.

DSW University is the place for you because you are part of the community we create..


We employ experts and practitioners. We have a staff of 115 academic teachers and researchers. Our personnel includes 7 full professors, 33 associate professors and university professors, 50 PhDs and 24 master's degree holders - scholars and specialists in the social sciences, humanities and technology.

University authorities

The Rector, Chancellors, and Deans..You bump into them in a hallway or passage, they’re mostly too busy to meet and talk. However, when you do manage to do it – they keep smiling and are always willing to help. They are the ones who make sure that the University works fine at all times, wins top places in prestigious contests and rankings, and fosters excellent relationships with entrepreneurs and employers in the region. They approve study programmes and make decisions on key investments.

The DSW University consistently creates and improves the development space for its students and graduates. We run and develop several dozen fields of study and elective specialisations that provide practical skills and qualifications desired by the labour market. We cooperate with companies and institutions related to the areas of our education. Our students undertake attractive internships, in which they are supported by the DSW University Career and Placement Office. Throughout their course of study, we create opportunities for our students to obtain additional competences, qualifications and certificates. Studying is a unique time of personality development, which is why at the DSW University we provide opportunities to meet and discuss with experts in research and the labour market, we teach how to combine passions with goals, we build relationships and constantly inspire students to develop their own abilities.


Magdalena Nowak

DSW University Vice Chancellor


They are partners, counsellors, and tutors. . Some of them will be remembered for a lifetime because they have become true authority figures. Helpful and open, they are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience. Demanding in exams, understanding in classes.  They know that student life is not only about books and studying, but also about work, friends and family. They welcome students with open minds, building on their experience, and using their strengths and talents to guide their educational and career paths in the best possible way..

dr Barbara Muszyńska

I hold a PhD in Bilingual Education and I am also a therapeutic educator, a teacher with many years of experience working with children and adults. Because of my work at the DSW University, I enjoy observing how learning a foreign language affects our development, perception of the world, and ability to understand each other. My encounters with students and learners also inspire me to constantly look for new solutions in language learning. I am interested in the development of language teaching and bilingual and multilingual education in Europe. I am also a trainer and methodologist for English language teaching in bilingual education, and I cooperate with many teacher training institutions in Poland, including the Centre for Education Development in Warsaw and the Wrocław Teacher Training Centre. Thanks to interesting and challenging meetings with students and research work, my enthusiasm for research and teaching never wanes.


Dr. Barbara Muszyńska

Head of the DSW University Centre for Foreign Language Learning


There are already thousands of them.. What can be said about them? They are brave, ambitious and exceptional people. With their own ideas about themselves and their lives, and often with a precise, chosen and dreamed-of career path. How do we know this? Because they visit us, or we visit them at their workplace during work placements. Because they are our lecturers and experts. Because we keep in touch and invite them to conferences and academic and business events. We are so proud of them.

Barbara Strabel-Horbacz

I have always been interested in trend research and foresight, culture and marketing. Often from mere observation - gestures, behaviour, language or clothing, simply a style of being - I can remember something and draw conclusions. My passion is design in the broadest sense - from clothes and furniture to advertising materials, or simply anything you can see that has to be invented, designed by someone. As a student, I combined my love of creating with a good dose of practice. Quite a few of the classes were workshop-based, and we did interesting projects for credit. During my brilliant two years at university, I produced a lot of such work and events, met a lot of amazing people, including lecturers, and felt part of the academic community thanks to their openness and commitment. After university, I continued my marketing adventure as a social media coordinator at a cosy music bookshop Niskie Łąki' in Wrocław. Currently, I am an assistant to a designer for one of Poland's biggest fashion brands, and I feel fulfilled.


Barbara Strabel-Horbacz

DSW University graduate


Colourful and lively, full of energy and ideas.. Without the students, there would be no community we create.They are infectious with fresh energy and enthusiasm - every student is a different, interesting story, a potential to be discovered and a person from whom you can learn something! It is for them, or rather thanks to them, that the lecturers are constantly seeking and learning quality solutions, inventing new ways of teaching, writing books and sharing their experience. The commitment of the students, their failures, successes and passions, every year with new strength, create the incredible atmosphere and energy of the university.

I decided to study for my degree at the DSW University because, having analysed other universities' programmes, it turned out to be unbeatable. I picked Pedagogy and after a few months of studying, I am really happy with the high level of teaching, which is what I expect from a university. The school provides a wide range of opportunities through extra classes, training and courses. The lecturers are professional and empathetic people who care about us and want us to achieve the best possible results. 


Barbara Szewczyk

DSW University student


Yes, yes, there are also heroes behind the scenes at our school. The administrative staff, in other words, heroic figures who don't wear capes. Without them, the Career Office, the Admission Office and the Registrar's Office would not exist..


They make sure that the daily duties and activities of the students do not adversely affect the comfort of being at university or the quality of teaching, but that they become something natural that just happens. Thanks to them, the university takes part in educational fairs, invariably increases its book collection, the computers and equipment in the laboratories work properly, and the lights in the toilets do not go out. It is also thanks to them that students and staff can enjoy a warm and tasty meal between classes..

dr. Magdalena Karciarz

When deciding to change jobs, I ask myself: if I could create such a place from scratch, is this what it would look like? If not, what would I change? If everything - I keep looking.


The DSW University is a place that attracted me from the very beginning with its alternative approach to education, I wanted to see “how it works from the inside”. I have realised that I can learn a lot but also give a lot to myself. Above all, it is a place of constant discovery. Discovering the perspective of a teacher, an administrative staff member and a student. This holistic experience allows me to say that the years spent at the DSW University (already 16) have been full of inspiring people, learning and developing new skills.

My education has been closely linked to books and information. While teaching classes on information sources, working in the Library and now running the DSW University University Press, I am learning about the aspects of intellectual property, and the therapeutic role of a book. I am learning that the word is an interesting substance. Running a publishing house means not only meeting fascinating authors and their works, but also a concrete lesson in economics and management.

It is also important to me that the DSW University supports me as a parent. Flexible working hours allow me to combine my role as a mum, a teacher and a director of the university press.

Dr Magdalena Karciarz

Director of DSW University Press