The Office of Science

The Office of Science documents and promotes the publication output of DSW University of Lower Silesia.


The office maintains databases: 

  • PUB - PUBlications of DSW University employees,
  • oPUB - DSW University institutional repository.

The tasks of the Office of Science include registering the scientific output of employees, doctoral students and students of DSW University in the system of employee publications (PUB):

  • collecting information on the output,
  • preparing bibliographic and bibliometric summaries,
  • promotion of the PUB system at the university.


Managing the DSW University repository (oPUB):

  • editing and administration of oPUB.
  • Supporting the university community in the calculation of parametric indicators based on output.

DSW University staff publications

The publication output of DSW University employees is registered in the PUB database and in the Polish Scientific Bibliography.
Information on scientific and professional publications of employees, doctoral students and students of DSW University, as well as other authors whose works have the DSW University affiliation, are entered in the PUB database. The bibliographic description of the work is created on the basis of the source document (the original or a copy of the publication).

Registered publications

Printed or electronic publications are documented in the PUB. The following are registered:

  • articles in scientific journals and other continuous publications,
  • monographs, textbooks, scripts and other serial publications (books),
  • author's chapters in scientific books,
  • scientific editing of monographs,
  • papers and communications published in conference proceedings,
  • reviews published in journals,
  • translations,
  • studies,
  • forewords,
  • reports,
  • and selected non-scientific publications, e.g. teaching, popularising, instructional works.

Publication output analyses

The Office of Science performs analyses of publication output on the basis of data contained in the PUB database and the Polish Scientific Bibliography.

Every year an analysis of the output is performed for the whole University, allowing to assess the scientific condition of DSW University and its individual faculties. In addition, the Science Office prepares:

  • bibliographic and bibliometric summaries for the needs of the DSW University faculties and other organisational units,
  • bibliometric analyses for DSW University employees (e.g. for the purposes of promotion proceedings).


The compilations may include bibliographic data of publications, number of points, number of citations and values of other bibliometric indices (e.g. H-index).