The University of Lower Silesia implements research grants and educational and developmental projects. Its structures include the Projects Office, which is in charge of raising external funds, supports and coordinates the work of project teams and is responsible for initiating, planning, monitoring, controlling and accounting.
Grants and projects are co-financed by, for example:
- Ministry of Education and Science
- National Science Centre
- National Centre for Research and Development
- European Commission
- Norway Grants
- Swedish Funds
- Foundation for the Development of the Education System
- Foundation for Polish Science
- Polish-American Fulbright Commission
- Wrocław Academic Centre
- State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled
- foreign partner universities

Projects Office
The main tasks of the Projects Office are:
- disseminating information on obtaining funds to finance scientific, research, teaching and other projects aimed at improving the quality of education and development of the University,
- providing data on national and international programmes, competitions, grants, initiatives in the field of science, research and development,
- organising courses and consultancy on obtaining funds for the implementation of projects from national and European programmes,
- supporting staff or appointed teams in the preparation of documentation for national and international applications submitted as part of competitions to finance scientific, research, educational and other activities aimed at improving the quality of teaching and development of the University,
- administrative service of externally financed projects carried out by the Office (contracts, documentation of material progress, records of expenditure, dissemination, promotion, archiving the documentation),
- supervising the correct execution, timeliness of financial settlements, and reporting of the projects outsourced to the Projects Office.
Projects Office
ul. Strzegomska 55, room 404
53-611 Wrocław
mob. 539 670 433
Projects Office Director - Urszula Kłobuszewska
Project Officer - Małgorzata Fit
Project Officer - Monika Karciarz
Junior Project Officer - Hanna Sklorz