Distance learning at the DSW University
The closure of schools and universities in the wake of the pandemic was a major challenge for us, but we managed to make a smooth transition from on-site to online classes. Our most important task was to create the conditions for students to be able to continue their studies, take classes, pass examinations and even defend their diploma theses.

Training the lecturers and staff

DSW University students

Student survey
We checked whether, also from the student’s perspective, the whole process went smoothly. Almost 600 students took part in a survey in which we asked them to evaluate the academic and administrative services at the University of Lower Silesia. We are very pleased that as many as 82.9% of them are very satisfied or satisfied with the measures taken by DSW University during the coronavirus pandemic. Lectures, practicals, the lecturers' professional preparation and the work of the service departments were all rated highly.